Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Christ is proclaimed!

Philippians 1:15-18New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Some proclaim Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from goodwill. These proclaim Christ out of love, knowing that I have been put here for the defense of the gospel; the others proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but intending to increase my suffering in my imprisonment. What does it matter? Just this, that Christ is proclaimed in every way, whether out of false motives or true; and in that I rejoice.

How would you define Christianity today?  Who is the official spokesperson now that Jesus isn't walking around?
Pope Francis?
Archbishop Desmond Tutu?
Billy Graham?
Westboro Baptist Church?
Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the ELCA?
Cornel West?
Nadia Bolz-Weber?
Rob Bell?
Sister Simone Campbell and the Nuns on the Bus?
Mark Driscoll?
Brian McLaren?
Ted Haggard?
Walter Bruggemann?
Rick Warren?
Michele Bachmann?
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby?
Pat Robertson?
Tony Campolo?
Rachel Held Evans?
TD Jakes?
Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Shori of the Episcopal Church USA?

My guess is that like me you are more familiar with some of those names than you are with others.  If there are ones you don't know, look them up!  Because these are the names of folks who have a lot to say about not only Christian life and theology, but the place of Christianity in the public and private sectors.  
And the thing about them all is, some of them we agree with.  
And some of them we disagree with.  
Sometimes vehemently in each case. And sometimes we're right to agree, and sometimes we're right to disagree. And sometimes, we all miss the bus completely!
In some way, shape, or form these people represent Christianity to the rest of the world.  In some cases, rightly.  And in some cases, wrongly. 
Now, the list is certainly not exhaustive.  I've left lots of names off of it - yours and mine for one.
Because like them, we represent Christianity to the rest of the world too, whether it is overtly or quietly.
And like the above folks, we probably don't agree on every aspect of our faith.  Some of us are more conservative, some more liberal.  Some might call ourselves evangelical, and some might call ourselves progressive.
Yet the one thing that binds us all, as Paul reminds us, is when Christ is proclaimed in every way.
When someone I don't agree with theologically proclaims Christ, I can still rejoice.  I might not agree with the small details.  I might not even agree with some BIG details.
But I agree Christ is Lord.
And from that point, the door is open to see where it is we can go from there.

God of all humanity, remind us that we aren't always in agreement with our sisters and brother in Christ, and then remind us that it is the "in Christ" part that we are bound to them nonetheless.  Amen.

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