Monday, November 3, 2014


Psalm 5:8New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness
    because of my enemies;
    make your way straight before me.

Psalm 5 is full of lament and cries for God's justice and mercy for the Psalmist.  It's a familiar theme from other Psalms, and fits in easily with the theme from yesterday's reading from Micah (as well as the other reading today from Jeremiah) about evildoers who are deceitful and spread lies.

Verse 8 caught me like a lightning bolt, however.  Make your way straight in front of me, Lord. 

Because of my enemies.

I get a visual of a crowded room of so many distractions that keep me from God that the pathway becomes invisible.

Because when it comes down to it, those are really who my "enemies" are.  I'm fortunate not to have an warrior nations fighting me for my land, but I sure have lots of enemies who distract me from God's way being straight before me.

Quite honestly I've come to see that while there most likely is a path straight before me, God is also really good at helping us find our way through the alleyways and byways and little side paths.  That God's straight way often includes detours and rest stops.

It helps to have wise friends and guides along the way to keep the path in front of you, whether it is a straight path or one with detours. 

It's a path best trodden in community.  Not alone.

Sometimes the answer isn't right in front of us.  Sometimes distractions become enemies and keep us from seeing the forest through the trees.

But despite that, God is still there, providing the way.  If it isn't clear, don't give up looking.

God, show me your path.  Guide me through all of its twists and turns and when I can't see it, give me light to show me the way.  Amen.

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