Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ash Wednesday & Lent

Taking a brief break from the story of Joseph for a little plug for Ash Wednesday.  And rather than reinvent the wheel, I want to share two sources that I found through Facebook that are wonderful as we prepare to enter into Lent.

The first is from the great group at Busted Halo. It's a short two-minute explanation of what both Ash Wednesday and Lent are.  

Now the video mentions three things as practices for Ash Wednesday (and I'd say for Lent also): fasting, praying, and almsgiving.  As we enter into the Lenten season, you might be wondering what are some ways you can use these three practices (one or all of them) for Lenten Disciplines.

If so, then here is another great resource.  Writer Rachel Held Evans each year puts together a list of suggestions for Lenten practices. You might find these inspiring and helpful as you prepare for Lent:

In addition, some churches offer special worship services or faith formation opportunities during Lent.  Our church of St. Paul's Lutheran will be doing a soup supper followed by Holden Evening Prayer and a course called Animate: Practices on Wednesday evenings starting at 6:00 pm.

I hope that wherever or however you feel called, that this Lenten season is one that will enrich your life of faith and fill your spirit with the love of Christ.

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