Tuesday, May 5, 2015

More peace

John 14:27New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

What is peace?
When you hear Jesus tell you that he gives you his peace, what is it?
What is deep, abiding Shalom?
It is more than the opposite of war.
It is more than the opposite of unrest.
It is more than harmony.
In a time frame where we've seen unrest and disharmony in Baltimore, and are bombarded daily with images of ISIS and other terror organizations, we might long for peace that is the opposite of war and the opposite of unrest and that is harmony.
But Jesus' peace is much more than that.
Jesus' peace makes amends.
Jesus' peace restores.
Jesus' peace heals.
It is a state of being.  It is a place you reside.
It is wholeness.
It is abundant life.
When someone says to you "The peace of the Lord be with you," it should knock your socks off.
When you say it to someone, it should knock their socks off.
What would it mean if every time we said it to each other, we meant: "May the Lord Jesus restore all that is broken in your life. May the Lord heal all that breaks your heart. May you live constantly in a state of well-being and abundant life. May you be whole."
What would that be like?

Lord, may your peace dwell within us and knock our socks off every time we imagine it! Amen

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