Sunday, August 23, 2015

Galatians 4:12-20

Galatians 4:12-20The Message (MSG)

My dear friends, what I would really like you to do is try to put yourselves in my shoes to the same extent that I, when I was with you, put myself in yours. You were very sensitive and kind then. You did not come down on me personally. You were well aware that the reason I ended up preaching to you was that I was physically broken, and so, prevented from continuing my journey, I was forced to stop with you. That is how I came to preach to you.
And don’t you remember that even though taking in a sick guest was most troublesome for you, you chose to treat me as well as you would have treated an angel of God—as well as you would have treated Jesus himself if he had visited you? What has happened to the satisfaction you felt at that time? There were some of you then who, if possible, would have given your very eyes to me—that is how deeply you cared! And now have I suddenly become your enemy simply by telling you the truth? I can’t believe it.
Those heretical teachers go to great lengths to flatter you, but their motives are rotten. They want to shut you out of the free world of God’s grace so that you will always depend on them for approval and direction, making them feel important.
"It is a good thing to be ardent in doing good, but not just when I am in your presence. Can’t you continue the same concern for both my person and my message when I am away from you that you had when I was with you? Do you know how I feel right now, and will feel until Christ’s life becomes visible in your lives? Like a mother in the pain of childbirth. Oh, I keep wishing that I was with you. Then I wouldn’t be reduced to this blunt, letter-writing language out of sheer frustration.

Back after a break while my church of St. Paul's did a study on 2 Corinthians. And here, with the Galatians, I am reminded of a recurring theme.
False teachers spreading a false gospel.
Does that happen today?
I've decided to use The Message Bible for a while.  I like its straightforward, easy-to-understand approach. Paul becomes even more alive and relatable to me.
So, is there a false gospel today?
I read an article this week where the writer bemoaned the fact that when polled, 87% of the general population thinks that the primary quality they see in Christianity is judgment.
Christianity, the harbinger of good news, has become known as the religion of judgment.
Might that have something to do with declining numbers in our churches?
I admit that for me, judgment is impossible to completely let go of. I do it constantly. Even when I'm not really thinking about it. It is as easy as breathing.
And admittedly, to survive, we have to make some judgments in our life about things that are good for us or bad for us.
But when it comes to people, judgment "shuts you out of the free world of God's grace."
Grace and judgement don't make easy bedfellows.
Paul was calling the Galatians to the Gospel of Christ. We are called to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. That gospel is wide and scary and beautiful and open.  It has grace to cover a multitude of sins, and is open even to those we judge and might wish weren't included.
How would the world view a faith that was known for its radical grace rather than its judgment?

Lord of all, you are the judge and redeemer of Creation! Open our minds and hearts to share your radical love and grace! Amen

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