Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ecclesiastes continues next week, so a verse for today

There are five more chapters of Ecclesiastes to go, and I'm getting ready to leave for a retreat, so I'll finish it up when I get back starting next week.

In the meantime for today, I leave you with today's verse of the day from Bible Gateway, the search engine I use for this devotional:

"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.
Jeremiah 29:11 NRSV"

There's something in this that parallel's the teacher's call in Ecclesiastes for us to live in the moment. How often are we wondering or worrying about the future to the point where we are missing what is in front of us?

Missing the here and the now.

There might be some things weighing on you in your future. Stresses, bills, too many meetings to go to, health scares, etc.

But as scary as some of those things may be, God holds your future close to God's own heart. God provides companionship and hope as we move through the pain and suffering and stress. 

We are not alone.

We are not promised freedom from pain, but we are promised a future with hope.

Today may God's promised hope fill you with peace and bless you all the day long!


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