Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Watch: Jeremiah 23:5

Jeremiah 23:5 (NRSV)

The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.

What are you waiting for?
In this season of anticipation, what is it that sets your heart alight?
What is it you hope for?
What is it that is worth the wait?
The Jewish people over two thousand years ago waited for a Messiah. One that would release them from bondage and injustice.
Today, we still see tragedy and violence in our world. We see refugees fleeing from their homes for an uncertain future.
We see shootings and bombings and cries for equality and end to injustice.
We face racism and prejudice and political division.
And I'll bet closer to home, you face something more personally troubling. Something that you wish would end. An illness of a beloved.
Family dysfunction.
Or maybe something else.
We still wait for our Messiah. We know now however that we wait not for a King who will come to dispel violence with violence.
Not a King who will rule with a sword or a gun or political might.
But a King who will come in quiet. In humility. In partnership. In love.
A Messiah who will sit with us even as we wait for an end to our own sadness.
A King who will take our tears and turn them into joy.
A King who comes in hope and wisdom.
A King worth waiting for. Worth watching for.

Jesus, king and brother, be with me while I wait for your light to dawn in our hearts. Amen

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