Thursday, December 1, 2016

Isaiah 30:20

Isaiah 30:20

Though the Lord may give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself any more, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. 

Nothing teaches more than pain.

Than suffering.

Than having to rely on hope.

Most of us wish that weren't so, but know from experience that it is.

For the Israelites, it often felt as if God was absent. That the suffering was too much. That God was hiding out. Yet God was always present. Living through the suffering with them.

Where is God when we suffer? Is there any question in faith that is asked more than that one? If so, I'm not sure what it is. And sometimes in the moment of suffering maybe it doesn't occur to us that where God is is with us. Or if it does, maybe it isn't initially helpful.

But later...

Maybe...just maybe, God's presence beside us in our suffering may be the thing that teaches us. 

Gives us hope.

Helps us see the promise in a new day.

God of hope, the road through suffering is hard. But the only way through is through, not around. Walk with me on that path and catch me when I stumble along the way. Amen

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