Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Understanding: Proverbs 2:3-5

Proverbs 2:3-5

if you indeed cry out for insight,
    and raise your voice for understanding;
if you seek it like silver,
    and search for it as for hidden treasures—
then you will understand the fear of the Lord.
    and find the knowledge of God.

Recently I was reading a book where the author (Mike McHargue) gave advice on how to find a church for those who were looking. One of the things he listed was looking for a church that will challenge you.

We live in an age where confirmation bias runs rampant. We tend to watch news programs (or networks) that back up our beliefs and we tend to worship regularly in places that follow the faith and belief practices we've grown up with or are comfortable with.

But here the writer of Proverbs gives some insight into insight.

It's like a treasure. 

And like a treasure, it is something we search for.

It isn't found in a static, unmoving relationship with our creator. Or with our faith.

It comes with being challenged, crying out for understanding, being made to realize sometimes we had it wrong.

Sometimes we have to change course in our beliefs or practices.

Some of the best conversations I've had as a church leader has been with folks who found something troubling that they didn't understand, either in a sermon, a teaching, or a reading. Out of those conversations usually comes enormous growth and insight - often for both of us!

If something seems wrong to you, or unclear to you, or confusing to you...

Before you reject it, ask about it.

Pursue it.

Sit with it.

Engage with it.

Talk about it.

And see where God takes you with it...

God of insight, help me to understand all those insights that challenge me. Help me to grow daily in my faith and not stay still. Amen.

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