Wednesday, May 10, 2017


1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

What does it mean to be chosen?
Let's get past the loaded language of race for a moment - remembering that at the dawn of Christianity, it was the Jewish race who were chosen.
In fact, who are still chosen.
So loaded that way...
But also loaded as we have daily reminders about how race is still very much a factor in our nation.
Our holy nation?
But for a moment let's look at the word "chosen" instead. 
Also loaded. 
Who thinks they are chosen?
A lot of groups of people do. That's who.
And when we see large groups who claim they are chosen, what does that mean to them? What does it mean to those who are on the outside looking in?
Would those on the outside looking in see God's love for the world in their chosen-ness??
Do they see the triumph of Christ over death?
The awesome works of the One who created us?
God chooses us not for ourselves. Not for our greatness. 
But to be light for a dark world.
To be balm for a hurting world.
To be hope for a lost world.
Are you chosen?

Holy one, you have chosen me for love. Help me to remember that always. Amen.

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