Friday, September 13, 2013

Where you are...

The good news:  I'm going for two posts in a week.  The bad:  I'm still not really confident in this whole blogging thing (so not yet putting it 'out there' all the way).

So, after listening to Nadia Bolz-Weber's On Being interview, I downloaded her new book, Pastrix, onto my Kindle.  Just started it this morning.  This woman is a prophet for our time.  Her voice seems to speak to the marginalized - but wait…that's each of us in some way, isn't it?  She herself has marveled at being a voice now not simply for the outsiders who flocked to her church, a House for all Sinners and Saints, in Denver, but also for folks like me:  soccer moms, middle class folk.  

One of the things that strikes me over and over again is her huge emphasis on community vs. individualized faith.  This is a theme I've seen recurring in many of the areas I've read and studied.  It also means doing the work of the gospel where you are.  Being fully engaged in your community, wherever that may be.  Not sitting on the sidelines or up in the balcony as an observer.

It's the kind of message that we all need to hear.  And it prompts me to excitement in my vocation:  as I continue to get to know the folks at St. Paul's.  As I get the honor of being part of their faith in action,  and get to see God's love through their eyes.

St. Paul's has its 175th anniversary this year.  Tomorrow is a community picnic to celebrate the event.  All our welcome to come and celebrate with us.  God loves a good party.  This week our gospel reading has Jesus telling the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin.  What do the shepherd and the woman do when the lost sheep and coin are found?  They throw a party!  Joy abounds!  

I can think of no better way to show community love in action.  Every day the lost are found!  Sometimes we are the lost ourselves and are found again and again and again!  Celebrate!  Throw a party!

Tomorrow the good folks at St. Paul's will do just that.  But I'm reminded that really we do it each and every Sunday when we say:  The Lord be with you…And also with you!!  What could be more joyful than that - wishing God's peace on everyone in the community and then reaching out to make welcome those who haven't yet come to the party?

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