Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Preparing for something new....

Preparing for something new....

I've never considered myself to be artistic or even creative per se.  However, the writing process has always been the one place where I've felt creative juices going.  It's also the place where I practice disciple.  Strange bedfellows sometimes, creativity and discipline...

Commenting on the ELCA's daily devotional texts was a primary way to help me focus on the discipline of writing.  But I was beginning to feel my creative juices begin to wane with those texts.  I was longing, I think, for some kind of thread to tie the daily devotionals together, but also just for something different.  Reflecting on the seven last words of Christ fueled that desire.

I'm not feeling terribly inspired to go back to the daily readings.  So, I am taking this week off to think, pray, and look into something else to focus on.  I will begin again next week - or sooner if something strikes me sooner - and am open to any kind of suggestions.  Perhaps a book of the Bible?  Perhaps people of the Bible?  Perhaps concepts of the Bible?  Feel free to comment in the comment section.  (for those who get my devotionals via email, you can comment at the blog site here: http://wanderingaim-fully.blogspot.com)

In the meantime, here is a quote to ponder for the day.  I just finished reading this wonderful book by Rob Bell:  What We Talk About When We Talk About God.  I highly recommend it.

“What we see in these passages [in scripture] is God meeting people, tribes, and cultures right where they are and drawing and inviting and calling them forward, into greater and greater shalom and respect and rights and peace and dignity and equality. It's as if human history were progressing along a trajectory, an arc, a continuum; and sacred history is the capturing and recording of those moments when people became aware that they were being called and drawn and pulled forward by the divine force and power and energy that gives life to everything.” 

God of all creation, call us forward.  Inflame our hearts to love and serve you and our neighbors.  Move your creative process in and around us so that we may find who it is you long for us to be.  Amen.

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