Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Women by the Nile - Jochebed

Exodus 2:1-4

Now a man from the house of Levi went and married a Levite woman. The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was a fine baby, she hid him three months. When she could hide him no longer she got a papyrus basket for him, and plastered it with bitumen and pitch; she put the child in it and placed it among the reeds on the bank of the river.  His sister stood at a distance, to see what would happen to him.

What do you think was going through Jochabed's mind (again, noting as yesterday that we don't get Moses' mother's name here)?

For three months she cared for her child.  Hiding him when he cried.  Hiding him when he cried even louder.  Nursing him.  Caring for him.  Loving him.

And then...

What do you think was going through her mind?

It's hard I think to grasp the level of courage and faith displayed here.  Everything in her actions speaks to both believing her child will be safe and yet also knowing that his safety isn't with her in her home. 

I think it is also telling that we are given the supplies she used to make her basket.  Bitumen (according to a quick internet search!) is heavy, thick and viscous.  Pitch is thick and sticky.  By putting these on the papyrus basket, Moses' mother wanted to make sure he was safe.  She placed him by the reeds to make sure he was found.

She banked on her child finding a new home that could keep her safer than she could.

It is understandable perhaps that she doesn't seem to stay and watch what happens next.  It will be up to Moses' sister to move the story to the next phase.

Letting go of something that we've clung to for years is not exactly the same as setting your child loose on the mighty Nile.  Yet it may take the same courage and faith.  What are the things you hold onto that it might be time to let go of?  Things that in the letting go, will begin the process of setting you free and unencumbered for the journey God has in store for you?  A grudge against someone perhaps?  A addiction that needs to be admitted and faced?  A job that is wounding your spirit?  A relationship that is unhealthy? Pride?  Anger?  Jealousy?  Denial?

A lot goes through the mind before such a letting go, and courage and faith required before the first step can be taken may feel monumental.  

But not impossible.

God of possibility and promise, set me free.  Free from the bondage of sin and from the bonds I put on myself.  Help me to let go of the things that are keeping me from the wideness of the life you offer.  Amen.

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