Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Luke 15:11-12: So....

Luke 15:11-12 (NRSV)

Then Jesus said, “There was a man who had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the property that will belong to me.’ So he divided his property between them.

The actions starts right away in this parable, and we learn a lot about our hero - the father - in the first two verses. And most of what we learn hinges on the word, "so."
The younger son asks for his share of the property, and "so" the father divides his property between his sons.
Not what we'd expect. You'd expect perhaps something more like "Father, give me the share of the property that will belong to me," and his father asked him why he wanted it already.
Or his father said "Let me think about it."
Or most likely: his father said, "Not yours yet, bub. Gotta wait til the will is read."
Instead, as if it was as natural as breathing, the young man asks for his inheritance - way before it is time - and "so" his father simply does what he asks.
And not only does what he asks, but divides his property up then and there. Gives the younger son his share, and gives the older son a share as well.
And probably not his full share. As the older son, he could expect to inherit all of the property at his father's death.
Instead, he receives a "share" now.
It's important to know how disrespectful the younger sons request is. He is basically asking his father to act as if he is already dead. He's basically saying he can't wait for his father to die.
And so, his father gives him what he wants.
What kind of father does that?
What kind of God does that?

God of bounty, you give to me every day more than I need and more than I deserve and I keep coming back with open hands asking for more. Instill in me a heart that is overwhelmed with gratitude for your grand generosity. Amen.

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