Monday, February 15, 2016

Luke 15:20 - Foolish

Luke 15:20 (NRSV)

So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.

So the son practiced what he was going to say to his father...
And he didn't even get a chance to get a word in. In a moment, even before he arrived.
Even before he uttered a word of apology.
Even before he said anything.
He was forgiven.
It's a pattern, have you noticed, with the father?
To do something generous.
To forgive. To love. 
Even before the guilty party gets a word in. 
Even before forgiveness can be begged for.
THIS is the story Jesus told. 
Forgiveness given before it is asked for.
And given under the most foolish of circumstances.
Because that's certainly what the neighbors would have thought:
"What a ridiculous old man. Shaming himself and his property. Running, of all things, after that wastrel who deserted him and made a fool out of him."
That's what the neighbors would have said.
Because a father in that position certainly doesn't give away his property to a spendthrift. 
And then forgive everything and go running after the boy!
What kind of fool does that?
What kind of foolish love is that?

God of fools, you have caught me even before I could beg anything of you. What kind of love is that? Show me how I can be just as foolish! Amen

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