Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Psalm 119:105-112 (NRSV)
Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to observe your righteous ordinances.
I am severely afflicted;
give me life, O LORD, according to your word.
Accept my offerings of praise, O LORD,
and teach me your ordinances.
I hold my life in my hand continually,
but I do not forget your law.
The wicked have laid a snare for me,
but I do not stray from your precepts.
Your decrees are my heritage forever;
they are the joy of my heart.
I incline my heart to perform your statutes
forever, to the end. 

There are many ways we read scripture.  These days there are even many arguments about how we read scripture.

Here we see it is a light to our path.  It is through scripture that we are able to see things in a way that is clarifying or edifying.  It is a lens through which we see life.

That's different than being a rule book we take off the shelf to answer our questions or problems.  A lens is the thing we see through that guides us to the answer.

That isn't to say the Bible doesn't have answers.  But as a Book of Faith the Bible clarifies and instructs.  It also provides comfort and joy.  And poetry and love.  And history and caution.  And hope.

It does that by pointing us to the true Light.  Christ, the Light of the World.  The word shows us the Word.

Luther called the Bible the cradle for Christ.  It leads us to the heart of the matter.  To the saving work of God through Christ.

It lights our way and leads us to the Light.

Jesus - light our path and open up scripture to us so we can find you always.  Amen.

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