Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Even then

Jeremiah 30:22  New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

And you shall be my people,
    and I will be your God.

The reading for today could just as easily be Exodus 6:7 or Leviticus 26:12 or Ezekiel 36:28.  It's a recurring theme in scripture.  

You shall be my people.

And I will be your God.

Over and over again.  God is relentless in wanting us to know that.

What does it mean to be God's people? What does it mean for your life as an individual: parent? child? sister? brother? co-worker? citizen?

What does it mean for our lives in groupings? in church? in neighborhoods? In cities? In the world?

What does it mean when we interact with others who are God's people?  People who aren't like us? Who don't see the world as we do? Who don't agree with us politically? Who don't believe what we believe? Who are from a different race or nationality as us? Who have a different sexual orientation or gender from us? Who annoy us or irritate us?

Who aren't the same denomination as us? Or even the same religion as us? Who don't even know they are God's people or believe they are God's people?

What does it mean that a relentless God wants us to see as God's people even those we least expect to see as God's people?

The truth is that we are God's people even then.  Even when the grace we are given isn't grace we remember to extend to others.  Even when the love God bears us is harder for us to muster up one day or any day.

Even then, we shall be God's people and God will be our God.

Even then.

God help me to recognize your people.  All of your people.  Amen.

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