Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Love of the World

1 John 2:15New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Do not love the world or the things in the world. The love of the Father is not in those who love the world.

This is one of those passages that make me wish I'd taken Greek.  I didn't have to for my degree, so I didn't.  
But I wish I had so I could (hopefully) clear up some confusion here.
However, things being what they are, I think even without a good understanding at Greek I can take a stab at it.
Because honestly, this are one of those passages that either a) people take literally to the detriment of some of their relationships, or b) people get so turned off by that they throw up their hands in frustration (or their Bibles out the window).
Please do not literally stop loving the things of this world.
Don't stop loving your dog or the trees or the coffee shop where you meet your best friend for lunch.
Or the flowers at the local garden center.
Or the movie theater where you had your first date with your significant other.
Or the fitness class where you go with your neighbor.
Or music or poetry.
Or the grass your baby crawls on.
The thing is, the word "love" and the word "world" have both become so easy to use in our language that it is impossible to not hear our usage of them in this verse.
We overuse the word love.  I do it all the time.  I love U2. I love movies. I love the X-files and Reece's Peanut Butter cups.
Does it make a difference that I misuse it?
...And no.
Yes, because really we SHOULD save the word "love" for those special things it is meant for.  For my husband. For my daughter. For my parents.
For my God.
Yet, you probably use the word "love" in the same way so you know that I don't love U2 or movies or candy in the same way I love my family (at least, I hope you don't).
So, in that respect - in terms of communication - then, no.  I'm not misusing it.
So what does that have to do with this passage?
It has to do with the fact that it is very easy to put our usage of a word - any word - into a Biblical writer's mouth.  
And it is easy to get so hung up on it that we miss the meaning completely.
And here's where it's important to pay attention:
I said that hopefully you know I love my family more than other things.
But what God wants to know is do we love him more than those things?
Or more than anything even?
God isn't giving us a black or white option.  God knows that we care about the things in God's creation.
But do we care about those things more than God?
That's the question!

Lord, forgive me when I put anything or anyone before you and your deep, abiding love for this world.  Amen.

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