Thursday, April 9, 2015


Psalm 133 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

A Song of Ascents.

How very good and pleasant it is
    when kindred live together in unity!
I was in a study this week for pastors (and other rostered leaders like me who also preach) and one of the group said: "How about verse one of Psalm 133. We could just preach on that."

Psalm 133 itself is very short. Only three verses, yet it packs enough of a punch in one verse alone that someone knew (rightly I think) that it could carry a whole sermon.

I'm not preaching this week, but I do think it is worth looking at this verse. What makes it so able to bear the weight of a whole sermon? That we don't seem able to do it? In our homes, in our churches, in our schools, in our committees?

Or is it the questions that it raises: who are our kindred? And, just what IS unity?

Is unity universal agreement? If so, then we do know that not only do we not do it, it is also unlikely we will do it even with the best intentions.

Or is unity something else?

Coincidentally, I read an interview today with an author (Scot McKnight), who has written a book called A Fellowship of Differents.  In the book, he demonstrates that church is not meant to be a place where we come every week with people who are exactly like us.

Instead, we are meant to come together and grow together and flourish together not simply despite our differences but because of them. 

Whether we disagree on the Trinity or the color of the sanctuary carpet or abortion or gay marriage or worship styles, we are still meant for unity.

Not unity of thought or belief, but unity of purpose and love.

It is when we brush up against those we disagree with - and when we serve next to them - that we grow. It is then that we see that we are kindred even when we don't agree or aren't alike. 

That unity is good and pleasant even when we aren't the same.

That love transcends every line in the sand that we can draw.

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord! Amen

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